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Matthew Hana

Matthew Hana

Matthew is a leading consultant and solutions architect at Nexus Polytech, with over a decade of experience in developing custom solutions. He has in-depth experience in corporate and organisational governance, having served in a number of leadership positions in a number of organisations with broad customer bases.
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All insights by Matthew Hana

Less money, less data? Not always

While the general correlation between the turnover of a business or organisation and the volume of data it holds may have been suitable in an age where the amount of digitised data was a fraction of what it was today and cyber attacks where fewer, evolution in technology necessitate a more robust approach that considers the volume and sensitivity of data.

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The Mirage of Perfection

This insight should take around 5 minutes to read. On Sunday 5 June 2022, globally acclaimed Australian film director Baz Luhrmann gave a talk to a limited group of people in the lead up to the Sydney premiere of his new film Elvis. This was part of Vivid, Sydney’s annual festival celebrating light, music, and ideas. A window into the mind of a creative genius is always insightful for those taking a peek, many times

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