Cyber Security
Our cyber security services provide analysis, investigation, examination, prevention and remediation of data, devices, and systems. Whether assessing for security risks, ensuring you’re prepared, or responding to an attack, we can assist your business or organisation against ever growing threats.
Cyber Security
Our cyber security services provide analysis, investigation, examination, prevention and remediation of data, devices, and systems. Whether assessing for security risks, ensuring you’re prepared, or responding to an attack, we can assist your business or organisation against ever growing threats.


Systematic examination and evaluation of records, processes, or systems to ensure accuracy and compliance with specific requirements by verifying inputs and outputs, identifying discrepancies, and providing an independent assessment.

Backup and Recovery Strategy

A structured plan that outlines procedures for creating and storing duplicate copies of critical data and systems to safeguard against data loss or system failures, enabling organisations to restore data and operations to a functional state in the event of data corruption, hardware failures, or other unforeseen disruptions.

Chain of Custody Review

Track and document the movement and handling of physical or digital evidence in a legal or investigative context, ensuring its integrity and admissibility in court by establishing a verifiable trail that demonstrates that the evidence has been securely preserved and controlled from collection to presentation.

Cyber Resilience Strategy

Evaluate your organisation's ability to withstand and recover from cyber attacks or disruptions through the analysis of the organisation's preparedness, response plans, and recovery capabilities to ensure it can effectively navigate and rebound from cyber incidents.

Cyber Security Strategy

Protecting an organisations digital assets, systems, and information from cyber threats and attacks through preventive measures, risk management strategies, incident response protocols, and continuous monitoring to ensure the organisation's cyber security posture is robust and adaptive.

Cyber Risk Assessment

A systematic evaluation of an organisation's digital environment to identify potential vulnerabilities, threats, and the associated risks by analysing the likelihood and impact of various cyber threats to apply appropriate Risk Mitigation.

Data Loss Prevention

Strategies and systems designed to prevent sensitive and confidential data from being leaked, lost, or accessed by unauthorised individual, helping organisations maintain data security and compliance with sensitive information.

Digital Forensics

Collection, analysis, and interpretation of electronic data to investigate digital incidents to reconstruct digital events, trace the actions of individuals, and provide admissible evidence for proceedings or incident response.

Essential Eight Implementation and Compliance

The implementation of and compliance with Essential Eight, a set of cyber security strategies and controls developed by the Australian Cyber Security Centre to help organisations mitigate common cyber security threats.

File and Evidence Analysis

Examining digital files, documents, or data to extract relevant information and insights to support investigations, legal cases, or cyber security assessments by using sophisticated techniques such as data analysis and metadata examination.

Identity and Access Management

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a framework of processes, technologies, and policies that manage and control users access to systems, applications, and data to ensure that users have appropriate level of access.


Examining digital evidence to uncover the source, nature, and extent of security incidents or actions to identify perpetrators, gather usable evidence, and support response efforts or disciplinary action.

Privacy Health Check

Evaluate an organisation's compliance with privacy regulations, policies, and best practices by assessing data handling processes, data protection measures, and privacy policies to ensure that information is being managed in an appropriate manner that respects privacy rights.

Reverse Engineering

The process of dissecting, analysing, and understanding the design, structure, and functionality of a product, software, or system by deconstructing it to gain insights that assist with integration, compatibility, or, identify vulnerabilities.

Risk Audit

Analyse potential vulnerabilities and threats within a particular process, product, or system to identify potential risks or factors that can cause disruption and evaluate their impact on the process, product, or system.

Risk Mitigation

Develop and implement strategies and protocols that are designed to minimise identified risks and recover from disruptions within a process, product or system.

Security Automation

Use technology and processes to automate various aspects of cyber security tasks to enhance efficiency, reduce manual errors, and respond rapidly to threats by leveraging technology to perform tasks that are time-consuming for humans.

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